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Forthcoming events


On a gorgeous sunny day just before the end of term over 50 mums and their friends,sisters,babies and toddlers, together with a significant number of very glamorous grandmothers, gathered at the Peace Room for the third Stowting School PTA Annual Ladies Lunch.

Sparkling aperitifs and wine, sponsored by the Tiger Inn, were enthusiastically enjoyed and the food was reported to be up to its usual gourmet standard- when dessert was announced there were starting blocks for some guests racing to be first to the through!
An amazing sum of over £500 was raised which will go towards the playground project and other forthcoming spending.

Huge thanks go to everyone who donated and prepared food and raffle prizes and to those who helped with the clearing up and washing of tablecloths etc. We are especially grateful to everyone who came along and it was warming to see yet again so many past mums continuing to support and enjoy their ongoing involvement with the school.

Caroline Boucher
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