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Parish Meeting

The Parish Meeting is a version of direct local democracy and consists of a meeting of the electors of the village.  There are no Parish Councillors under the Parish Meeting system and the Meeting has duties and responsibilities similar to those of a Parish Council most notably with regard to local planning applications.  The meeting has the power to raise a precept on households in the village and this is collected with the council tax.

Meetings are held as they are needed and are called by the Secretary, who puts a notice on the notice boards around the village.  The meetings, which are usually held in the Peace Room are open to all members of the village and usually take place at 8pm on a Thursday.

Officers are elected at the Annual General Meeting which is usually held in May each year.

Officers for 2010 -2011

Chairman: Liz Oakes 01233 250274
Vice Chairman: Richard Stafford 01303 863553
Clerk: Jane Luck 01233 750519
Treasurer: Peter Davis 01233 750379 

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